About me

Qing Xia received the B.S. degree from the School of mathematics and Statistics, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China in 2019. Now, he is under a Ph.D. candidate advised by Prof. Dr. Yibao Li in School of mathematics and Statistics, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China. His research interests include Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing), computational fluid dynamics, and scientific computing.


My research interests mainly lie in Shape topology optimization in 3D printing and multi-scale multi-physics coupled computation. My research interests also include computer vision on the digital twin, entropy analysis and numerical analysis. My main work is to project the physical models from real space to digital space for equivalent experiments, which can eliminate the environment and material cost constraints of real physical experiment. Since 2019, I have published 31 SCI papers on the international academic journals such as Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng., J. Comput. Phys., Comput. Phys., Commun., Phys. Fluids, Pattern Recognit., 22 of them are included in JCR Q1 journals.


  • Sep 11, 2024. Our paper ‘On the adaption of biological transport networks affected by complex domains’ authored by Yibao Li, Zhixian Lv, Qing Xia, has been accepted for publication in Physics of Fluids.
  • Sep 10, 2024. Our paper ‘On the integrated 3D printing research for design, optimization and simulation within phase field framework’ was selected as a Featured paper.我们的文章“基于相场模型的3D打印设计-优化-仿真一体化研究”被评选为期刊精选文章
  • Sep 7, 2024. Qing Xia was invited to attend the 2024 graduate admission ceremony of Xi’an Jiaotong University.夏青参加2024级研究生新生典礼并发表演讲
  • Aug 9, 2024. Our paper ‘ On the phase-field algorithm for distinguishing connected regions in digita mode ‘ authored by Sijing Lai, Bing Jiang, Qing Xia, Binhu Xia, Junseok Kim, Yibao Li has been accepted for publication in Engineering Analysiswith Boundary Elements.
  • July 17, 2024. Our paper ‘Phase-field based modeling anosimulation for selective laser meltingtechniques in additive manufacturing’ authored by Sijing Lai, Qing Xia, Junseok Kim, Yibao Li has been accepted for publication in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation.
  • Jun 14, 2024. Our application of ‘3D printing design - simulation - processing integration research’ was awarded “Outstanding achievements of scientific and technological research of Shaanxi Province”. 由李义宝(My mentor),夏斌湖, 夏青申报的”3D打印设计-仿真-加工一体化研究”获评“2024年度陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果(一等奖”.
  • Jun 5, 2024. Our paper ‘Design of the shell-infill structures using a phase field-based topology optimization method’ authored by Wenxuan xie, Jiachen Feng, Qing Xia, Junseok Kim, Yibao Li has been accepted for publication in Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering.
  • May 28, 2024. Our paper ‘On the phase field based model for the crystalline transition and nucleation within the Lagrange multiplier framework’ authored by Qing Xia, Junxiang Yang, Junseok Kim, Yibao Li has been accepted for publication in Journal of Computational Physics.
  • May 10, 2024. Our paper ‘On the integrated 3D printing research for design, optimization and simulation within phase field framework’ has been accepted for publication in Journal on numerical methods and computer applications.(Special invation)
  • Apr 13, 2024. Qing Xia participated in the Shaanxi Provincial University mathematics graduate intercollegiate Forum.
  • Feb 19, 2024. Our paper ‘Thermal-fluid topology optimization with unconditional energy stability and second-order accuracy via phase-field model’ has been chosen as the Highly Cited paper by Web of Science.
  • Feb 19, 2024. Our paper ‘A second-order unconditionally stable method for the anisotropic dendritic crystal growth model with an orientation-field’ has been chosen as the Highly Cited paper by Web of Science.
  • Feb 10, 2024. Our paper ‘A simple and practical volume merging algorithm for the porous scaffold design with triply periodic structures’ authored by Yibao Li, Qing Xia, Seungyoon Kang, Soobin Kwak, Junseok Kim has been accepted for publication in Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (JCR Q2).
  • Jan 04, 2024. Our paper ‘Triply periodic minimal surfaces based topology optimization for the hydrodynamic and convective heat transfer’ authored by Qing Xia, Junxia Zhu, Qian Yu, Junseok Kim, Yibao Li has been accepted for publication in Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (JCR Q1, Top).
  • Dec 10, 2023. Qing Xia won the 2023 ‘Academic star award’[Report link 1][Report link 2] of Xi’an Jiaotong University.
  • Nov 17, 2023. Qing Xia attends National Award Sharing Session at School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xi’an Jiaotong University, delivering a presentation.
  • Nov 13, 2023. Our paper ‘On the conservative phase-field method with the N-component incompressible flows’ has been chosen as the Highly Cited paper by Web of Science.
  • Oct 19, 2023. Qing Xia won the ‘National Scholarship for Doctoral students’(2023).
  • Aug 20, 2023. I attended the 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics held at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan. (ICIAM 2023)
  • Jul 26, 2023. I have been awarded a scholarship under the State Scholarship Fund by China Scholarship Council.
  • May 03, 2023. Our paper ‘Binary thermal fluids computation over arbitrary surfaces with second-order accuracy and unconditional energy stability based on phase-field model’ authored by Qing Xia, Yuehan Liu, Junseok Kim, Yibao Li* has been accepted for publication in Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (JCR Q1, Top).
  • Apr 28, 2023. Our paper ‘A modified and efficient phase field model for the biological transport network’ authored by Qing Xia, Xiaoyu Jiang, Yibao Li* has been accepted for publication in Journal of Computational Physics (JCR Q1, Top).
  • Mar 24, 2023. Our work has been reported on the school’s website. Report link
  • Mar 21, 2023. Our paper ‘Multi-scale modeling and simulation of additive manufacturing based on fused deposition technique’ has chosen as the SCIlight article of AIP publishing and Featured work in Physics of Fluids. Report link
  • Mar 02, 2023. Paper ‘Multi-scale modeling and simulation of additive manufacturing based on fused deposition technique’ authored by Qing Xia, Gangming Sun, Junseok Kim, Yibao Li has been accepted for publication in Physics of Fluids(JCR Q1, Top).
  • Jan 05, 2023. Paper ‘On the conservative phase-field method with the N-component incompressible flows’ authored by Qing Xia, Junxiang Yang, Yibao Li* has been accepted for publication in Physics of Fluids(JCR Q1, Top).
  • Nov 20, 2022. Qing Xia attended the event as a judge of ‘Xi ‘an Jiaotong University’s Golden Wutong Festival’.
  • Oct 28, 2022. Qing Xia won the ‘National Scholarship for Doctoral students(2022)’.
  • Oct 28, 2022. Qing Xia won the ‘Outstanding Model for the Doctoral students of Xi’an Jiaotong University(2022)’.

Magnum Opus(代表作)

  • Qing Xia#, Gangming Sun, Junseok Kim, Yibao Li, Multi-scale modeling and simulation of additive manufacturing based on fused deposition technique, Physics of Fluids, 35 (2023) 034116, (Cover Article/Featured/Scilight Article of AIP publishing). (PDF)
  • Qing Xia#, Junxiang Yang, Yibao Li, On the conservative phase-field method with the N-component incompressible flows, Physics of Fluids, 35 (2023) 012120. (JCR Q1, TOP, Highly Cited paper). (PDF)
  • Yibao Li#, Zhixian Lv, Qing Xia, On the adaption of biological transport networks affected by complex domains, *Physics of Fluids. (JCR Q1, TOP )
  • Qing Xia#, Qian Yu, Yibao Li, A second-order accuracy, unconditionally energy stable numerical scheme for binary fluid flows on arbitrarily curved surfaces, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 384 (2021) 113987. (JCR Q1, TOP). (PDF)
  • Qing Xia#, Junxiang Yang, Junseok Kim, Yibao Li, On the phase field based model for the crystalline transition and nucleation within the Lagrange multiplier framework, Journal of Computational Physics, 513 (2024) 113158. (JCR Q1, TOP).(PDF).
  • Qing Xia#, Xiaoyu Jiang, Yibao Li, A modified and efficient phase field model for the biological transport network, Journal of Computational Physics, (2023). (JCR Q1, TOP). (PDF)
  • Qing Xia#, Gangming Sun, Qian Yu, Yibao Li, Thermal-fluid topology optimization with unconditional energy stability and second-order accuracy via phase-field model, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 116 (2023) 106782. (JCR Q1, TOP). (PDF)
  • Qing Xia#, Junxia Zhu, Qian Yu, Junseok Kim, Yibao Li, Triply periodic minimal surfaces based topology optimization for the hydrodynamic and convective heat transfer, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 131 (2024) 107819. (JCR Q1, TOP). (PDF)
  • Qing Xia#, Yuehan Liu, Junseok Kim, Yibao Li, Binary thermal fluids computation over arbitrary surfaces with second-order accuracy and unconditional energy stability based on phase-field model, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, (2023). (JCR Q1, Top). (PDF)
  • Qing Xia#, Junseok Kim, Binhu Xia, Yibao Li, An unconditionally energy stable method for binary incompressible heat conductive fluids based on the phase–field model, Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 123 (2023) 26-39. (JCR Q1). (PDF)
  • Qing Xia#, Junseok Kim, Yibao Li, Modeling and simulation of multi-component immiscible flows based on a modified Cahn-Hilliard equation, European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 95 (2022) 194-204. (JCR Q3). (PDF)
  • Yibao Li#, Qing Xia, Sungha Yoon, Chaeyoung Lee, Bingheng Lu, Junseok Kim, A simple and efficient volume merging method for triply periodic minimal structure, Computer Physics Communications, 264 (2021) 107956. (JCR Q1). (PDF)
  • Yibao Li#, Qing Xia, Sungha Yoon, Junseok Kim, Simple and efficient fingerprint image restoration method based on a phase-field model, Pattern Recognition, 123 (2020) 108405. (JCR Q1, TOP). (PDF)
  • Yibao Li#, Qing Xia, Seungyoon Kang, Soobin Kwak, Junseok Kim, A simple and practical volume merging algorithm for the porous scaffold design with triply periodic structures, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 481(2024)481-495, (JCR Q2). (PDF)

Projects & Awards(项目和获奖)